Hey everyone, how are all of you doing? Well, this week has been a really long week. We had ZTM (Zone Training Meeting) this week. I learned a lot from President Rogers this week. The meeting was on the Doctrine of Christ and how we need to have it planted in our soul as missionaries. As members of the church, all of us have some knowledge of the doctrine, but all of us don't know as much as we need to know. Being on a mission, I have learned so much about the doctrine and how I can use it to teach others. It is incredible how the simple ones like faith can be so complex! This week we were teaching one of our investigators named Sara. Sara has been through a lot in her life, but the first day I was here on my mission I shared my testimony about the Book of Mormon combined with how church can heal the soul and that week she went to church. This past Tuesday, we went over to teach her and well right as we sit down she says," I want to be Baptized!" I was not expecting this at all and well she brought a friend and she says I want to be baptized too! So now we they are getting baptized on June 18. It was so exciting to hear her say that! Well, love you all and have a wonderful week!
Elder Hutchings